Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What will a criminal attorney do?

Attorneys are human beings just like the rest.  Criminal lawyers are not miracle workers, but they will do the best they can for you. No matter what, a person faced with a criminal charge has certain facts, both good and bad in their case.  Some facts will be difficult.  For instance, if you ran from the cops, got out and tried to fight them, we are probably going to have a difficult case on our hands.

Many people expect their criminal lawyer to come in to their case, find some fatal flaw, expose some witness on the stand, and get a not guilty verdict. Most the time it does not work like this.  In fact, normally the person charged just wants to get a fair resolution and move on with their lives.  This happens because in real life people talk to the cops, people get caught red handed, people consent to the search of their vehicles and homes. While we have rights, cops know what those limits are.

What a good criminal lawyer will do for you is uncover every rock and investigate every nook and cranny to see if any issues are out there that will help your case. If that works, then that’s great. If it doesn’t, then they start working hard to get the best deal possible for you. Our job is to do our best for you, get you the best outcome, keep you out of jail, and allow you to lead a productive and fruitful life.

There are no guarantees in criminal defense. There is no guarantee the prosecutor assigned to your case will be open to discussing the case with you. There is no guarantee the officer that stopped you is going to make a mistake. And there is no guarantee that your attorney is going to be able to get your case dismissed. To think otherwise just isn’t smart.

If you ever need a criminal attorney, get someone that will work hard for you, that will interview the people that need to be interviewed, and will push the prosecutor to understand the weaknesses in your case. A good attorney will keep in mind that you want to get a quick resolution, but will focus on issues that will get you a good resolution, even if it means taking more time.  Sometimes a good resolution takes time, and investing that time is important. You get that, and you’re probably getting the best outcome possible.

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