Monday, February 18, 2013

Texting while driving/inattentive driving in Idaho

Texting while driving is a newer law put into affect in Idaho.  Idaho code 49-1401A which covers texsting while driving qualifies a wide aray of manual activities on a handheld electrical device, and you can be sure law enforcement will take a broad view in applying the law to you.

But while the language is broad, the statute allows an expection for using voice-operated or hands free device.  Another imptant thing to note is a texting while driving infraction does count for violation points against your driver's record.  So, while a texting while driving ticket may be frustrating, the affects may be minimal.

However, texting while driving in an accident constitutes good evidence of negligence in a car or vehicle accident.  While texting while driving does not give you points against your license, a person faces the risk of inattentive driving or even reckless driving charges should an accident occur.  These charges are misdemeanors and convictions for these charges WILL affect your driver's license. 

So, Idaho law is clear that texting while driving is not allowed.  While a texting while driving charge will not dramatically affect a person's record, should an accident occur, much more serious charges are possible.  If someone causes an accident in which you are injured, if they were texting while driving, it may help resolve your case.  Should texting while driving, inattentive driving, or reckless driving charges become an issue in your case, feel free to contact an Idaho Accident Lawyer.

Aaron Crary
Attorney at law

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